LEARN organizes one day seminar on "Facilitating Digital Conference Service to LEARN R&E Community" targeting IT Technical staff of LEARN member institutions. The target group is Systems/Network/LMS administrator from LEARN member institutions.
Digital Conferencing Facility (Zoom) received from BDREN Facilitating Distance Learning using Digital Conferencing Facility (fDLuDCf) of Asi@connect project provides enterprise grade video conferencing facility that you can use for regular meetings, conferences and distance learning/education. LEARN is going to provide a Zoom Pro account to individuals that allows to schedule/manage meetings them self.
The seminar is going to provides technical essential required for IT administrators in enabling the service to the institute and in assisting R&E staff of their home institute to make use of the service for R&E activities.
Venue: PGRC, SCPPC, Gannoruwa