LEARN organizes half day workshop on "Facilitating Digital Conference Service to LEARN R&E Community" targeting faculty and researches in faculty/institutional level. LEARN effort is to make R&E community aware of use of Digital Conferencing in R&E.
Digital Conferencing Facility (Zoom) provides an enterprise-grade video conferencing facility that you can use for regular meetings, conferences, and distance learning/education. LEARN is going to provide a Zoom Pro account to individuals that allow them to schedule/manage meetings themself.
The workshop is going to train faculty and researchers on how to make use of Zoom in their R&E activities.
Venue: University of Moratuwa, CSE L2 Lab
Note: We encourage you to come with your laptop and/or smartphone with 100% battery charged.
Instructor: Thilina Pathirana / LEARN
1st hour - NRENs, LEARN and Its Services
(NRENs, Inter University networking, Acadamic Networking, Commodity Internet, LEARN TAC, Training/Workshop, Eduroam, LIAF, Zoom)
2nd and 3rd hours - LEARN Digital Conferencing Platforms with hands-on
More details at